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Sunday 25 August 2024

Patchwork quilt 2016

Many years ago I decided to hand sew a patchwork quilt. As with other things it got put aside as life got in the way. My husband used to joke that we would be lucky if it got finished by the time we retired.....He wasn't far wrong! It was finally finished in 2016, after approximately 25 years! 

Modern material, penguins.

A button as a flower :) I soon realized that I was going to be unable to quilt something this size, so chose to sew pretty small buttons in the centre of each 'flower' to hold all the layers together. It worked really well I am pleased to say :)

Cats because I love cats :)

Lovely heart material, given to me by a friend.

Cats again :)

Poppies, my favourite flowers :)

Material from my daughters favourite dress when she was small :)

Needlework material from another friend.

I made this one very early on, the material was given to me by a lovely customer in the Library where I worked. She was so helpful, and gave me lots of advice. 

Modern colourful material - frogs :)

Cats :)

Autumn colours :)

Floral patches.

The reverse patch to the Autumn colours a bit further up :)

Flower pots

Solitary penguin surrounded by yellow

Yellow centre, surrounded by penguins, the opposite to the previous patch :)

Finally, what the quilt looks like on our bed. Every flower is different. I thoroughly enjoyed making this even though it did take a very long time to make.